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ghostspawn's portfolio & comic reader

ghostspawn's portfolio was designed to be simple, bright, and easy to use. On big screens, the site is split about 30/70 with a navbar on the left and the portfolio content on the right. On smaller screens, the navbar adjusts itself to sit at the top of the browser window with links to different sections of the portfolio content. In the content section, images or videos are displayed in subsections separated by a title. tapping or clicking on any of the content will open it in a lightbox allowing a full view of the image. For videos, the lightbox will open a mini player so the video can be watched without leaving the site. Lightboxes can also include additional information about a particular piece of content in a small box displayed just below the content.

view at ghostspawn.com

comic reader

The ghostspawn comic reader shows each image from the comic in a slideshow format, from left to right being oldest to newest. The comic allows the user to navigate by sliding, scrolling, or using arrow keys. The comic can be accessed via RSS.